Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Yes, You can crack NEET if diligently start studying for NEET now. Make a proper study schedule sufficient number of hours and study thoroughly.

NEET 2023 is a pen paper test conducted in the offline mode wherein OMR sheets must be filled with answers.

There is no upper age limit for aspiring candidates of NEET and also there is no limit on the number of attempts a student can make for NEET.

NEET (UG) – 2023 is a pen-and-paper test that must be taken on a specially developed machine-gradable OMR sheet with a ballpoint pen.

No. Candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) to NTA via post, fax, Whatsapp, email, or by hand, including the Confirmation Page.

Yes, Gen-EWS/SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwD applicants must upload original certificates in the specified forms given by their respective State's Competent Authority.

According to the instructions given to candidates for filling out their Online Application Form, they must fill out their personal information with care, and NTA is not liable for any errors made by them.

Once an online application form has been properly submitted, it cannot be cancelled or withdrawn.

Each application needs to have a unique email address

Yes, Family Annual Income (which includes Father's/ Guardian's Gross Annual Income, Mother's/ Guardian's Gross Annual Income, and Father's/ Mother's/ Guardian's Annual Income from Other Sources, if any) is a required field.

Only after the candidate has successfully paid the fee will the Confirmation Page of the online Application Form be generated. A copy of the NEET (UG) - Confirmation Page will be sent to the registered email address.

You are NOT ALLOWED to bring any personal things to the examination centre, including electronic devices, phones, and any banned/prohibited items mentioned in the Information Bulletin. Personal belongings will not be kept safe by examination officials, and no facility will be given.

No, any candidate will not be permitted to leave the examination hall/room until the examination is completed.

Both Section A and Section B of the paper have negative markings. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.

Exam duration, shift, and timing of NEET 2023 may be found in the NEET (UG) - 2023 Information Bulletin under Important dates (IMPORTANT INFORMATION AT A GLANCE).

Candidates who choose English will receive only an English Test Booklet. Candidates who choose Hindi/Regional Language will receive a Bilingual Test Booklet, which includes both Hindi/Regional Language and English. If there is any ambiguity in any of the questions' translations, the English version will be considered final.

Yes, in addition to Hindi and English, the NEET (UG) - 2023 will be conducted in Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu, as per the National Education Policy (NEP).

It is not mandatory to attempt all the questions in a NEET exam.

neet 2022 will serve as the single entrance test through which all MBBS or BDS seats offered in the country will be filled. Candidates will have to appear for NEET in order to get admission in AIIMS and JIPMER as well. Based on NEET score, candidates will be granted admission in medical and dental colleges.

A total of 180 questions are there in the NEET exam. In order to improve time management, one should assign one minute to each question.

Candidates must upload their left and right-hand impressions of fingers and thumbs as per Appendix XXIV in the online NEET (UG) - 2023 Application Form.
